Business cards are the most traditional means of expanding your business network, in person. You hand over your business cards to your potential business associates or a client, to be precise. But have you thought of how long will the card be in your prospect’s hand? Your prospect might be impressed by the business card presentation and interested to keep it, but what if he/she misplaces the card? The chances of misplacing are quite high with a paper business card. Then how come you pull your potential people to your business? It is simple. Simply turn your business card into a magnet by empowering it with the power of magnet.
Magnet is hardly lost as they can remain stuck on a metal based surface. Then why don’t you enter the bandwagon of magnet based business cards. The novel business card magnets are ubiquitously in use due to the compact size and convenient way to stay around your clients by sticking to any metallic substance within their close proximity.
Besides, you do not need to forgo the attractive looks of a business card with these business cards. The unique looking surface promotes a fresh business card idea in the face of stereotyped paper business cards – a way to get noticed amidst of thousands of boring paper based business cards. Hence, these magnet cards even expose the business information at the maximum – with an unusual look and from the closest proximity of your recipients. What a better way to promote your company name, logo, contact details, email addresses, website and a special message than a magnet business card!
Excellent site, keep up the good work my colleagues would love this.
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